These Tips Will Help You Land a Job In The Plain Community

Relationships are built on trust, right? What will it take for you to win the trust of an Amish or Mennonite employer? Every culture holds a unique standard for ideal employee candidates. Let’s talk about behaviors you can display to help you land a job in the plain community!

Plain Community Employers Are Looking for Honesty

Do your words communicate transparency? You can build trust with prospective plain community employers by using clear, honest conversation. Present yourself as you are. Communicate your skills and previous job experience factually. Tell your prospective employer what you are looking for in an employment opportunity. 

When it comes to on-the-job orientation, don’t hide reality. If you don’t know something, say so! Asking to be taught a skill will grant you significantly more favor than “faking it until you make it”. 

The Plain Community Respects Hard Workers

The Amish and Mennonites are known for their incredible work ethic. Historically, the ancestors of these cultures uprooted their families from various European countries and moved to Mexico, Canada, and the USA in pursuit of religious freedom. The ability to adapt to a new environment, build something out of nothing, and work tirelessly in pursuit of a valued goal are traits that have been passed down through the generations. 

Employers inside the plain community are asking this of their employees, “Can I count on this person to help me achieve my company’s goals? Are they willing to work as tirelessly as I am?” 

You can win favor by presenting proof of your ability to work hard. One of the best ways to do this is through shining personal recommendations. Connect your new employer with previous employers who love speaking about ways you helped them achieve their goals. Provide testimonials from clients, friends, or family members who you’ve helped with a major project. Point out the rave online reviews your services have received. 

Within the plain community, the transfer of information is often carried out via word of mouth. Word of mouth is a method of recommendation that is trusted, so personal stories about your incredible work ethic will hold power!

Additionally, display an ability to hustle at your earliest opportunity. When you notice someone doing a task you could help with, volunteer! Don’t just trail along like a lost puppy during orientation—dig right in and get your hands dirty! Saying, “Could I give that a try?” will show your employer that you are willing to take initiative. Which leads to our next topic…

Plain Community Employers Want You to Take Responsibility

Amish and Mennonites have overcome great difficulties to live out their beliefs, both historically and in the present day. These hardships have forged a norm of self-reliance into the plain community culture. Throughout the years, the strength of plain communities has relied on the self-motivation of individuals to volunteer their resources to fill the need at hand. Many children in these cultures leave school after eighth grade and work full-time for the family business. Elementary-school-aged children often get up in the dark hours of the morning to help in their father or uncle’s dairy barn. Children of all ages clean, cook and tend the gardens and fields. Adults find their own solutions for problems or overwhelming tasks, looking to their family and friends rather than civil offices when there is a need and, in turn, offering their resources when a friend is in trouble. 

Self-motivated responsibility is the norm even for children in the plain community. If you display an inability to follow through on commitments, the employer may think something like, “My 8-year-old son wakes up on his own at 5:00 a.m. to milk the cows, but this person can’t even show up for her interview on time! Can I really trust her to take care of my clients?” These thoughts on an employer’s part probably aren’t judgmental. It’s just that the contrast between their normal and your behavior is striking. 

Display your willingness to take responsibility by being prompt, communicating clearly and fulfilling your promises. If you tell a prospective employer that you will procure additional information, submit it immediately. Pay attention to instructions you are given so you don’t need to ask for them to be repeated. Name mistakes early, take ownership of your part in them and build a recovery plan without delay. Employers in every culture are impressed by someone who displays proactivity!

The Plain Community Appreciates Professional Presentation 

Employers aren’t looking for you to change who you are. They simply request that you live out their standard of personal presentation while representing their brand. Most plain communities were founded on conservative Christian faith. Swearing, explicit conversation, revealing clothing, and offensive art will not be appreciated in this environment. 

If you want to land a job inside the plain community, be willing to adapt to a well-defined code of conduct. You can earn respect in this culture by speaking politely, dressing conservatively, and covering any potentially offensive body art or auto stickers. Remember, what you do on your own time is your own business and what you do on your employer’s time is your employer’s business!

Are you ready to begin meeting employers? Do you have what it takes to win their favor? If you take these tips to heart, you’ll be well ahead of your competition. So get out there! Your dream job is just around the corner!